Learning Lab: Everything you wanted to know about the Hungarian startup ecosystem and Innovative Minds, Hungarian Roots

Learning Lab: Everything you wanted to know about the Hungarian startup ecosystem and Innovative Minds, Hungarian Roots

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/London)
Henley Conference 1


This session is broken down into two halves.

First half: Everything you wanted to know about the Hungarian startup ecosystem.

In this half you will explore the role of public funding and the Hungarian Innovation Agency in supporting the Hungarian startup ecosystem, some good and proven practices. Main trends of the Hungarian startup ecosystem.


László Korányi

Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Innovation Agency, László Korányi has an MSc in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Budapest University of Technology, a Master in Economics from the Karl Marx (Corvinus) University of Budapest. He is an alumnus of Ashridge Management College (UK).

He has worked as an R&D engineer for medical device development, later founder and CEO of several software companies. He served five years as a Science & Technology counselor at the Hungarian Embassy in Tel Aviv.

Second half: Innovative Minds, Hungarian Roots

Hungary may not be the first country that comes to mind when thinking about the global startup scene, but in recent years, it has been making significant strides in building a thriving and innovative ecosystem for young companies. Meet 5 cutting-edge startups from Hungary's thriving entrepreneurial landscape:

Compocity - A Gamified service that turns your office food waste into soil food and plants it at urban green spaces.

Fryda Software Kft – Fryda is a no-code/low-code platform, that lets anyone quickly build their own app, providing all essential resources needed for their business.

Pig Brother – Creating innovative systems for pig farms to grow their efficiency)

RECnGO - Live streaming mobile studio application.

Zentet-X - A biotechnology startup that provides light therapy based solutions on curing all forms of candidiasis.


Dr. Szeverényi Ivonn

Graduating as a medical doctor was the beginning of a career, that would span across the pharmaceutical industry, international diplomacy, and innovation promotion.

In her role as ambassador responsible for innovation export, working closely with the Hungarian Export Promotion Agency, she embarked on the 'Fit for Export' project. This initiative, partly focused on the US, was designed to facilitate market entry for Hungarian innovations, bridging the gap between Hungarian inventions and global markets.

Today, at the Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ), her mission is to promote Hungarian innovations on the global stage. The recently launched XPAND Program is a testament to this commitment. Aimed at providing a comprehensive suite of tools for market entry - from the foundational to sophisticated strategies.

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