Fireside Chat: The Future of Enterprise AI isn’t About more Data – It’s About The Right Data

Fireside Chat: The Future of Enterprise AI isn’t About more Data – It’s About The Right Data

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 1:00 PM to 1:20 PM · 20 min. (Europe/London)
Corporate Innovation Stage


Artificial intelligence promises to transform every aspect of business operations, yet a lot of companies lack clarity on how to get from pilot to full production and value realisation. In today’s digital landscape they struggle with islands of data spread across various systems.

For Paul O'Sullivan, SVP Solution Engineering & Salesforce UKI CTO, the future of enterprise AI isn’t about more data – it’s about the right data. He’ll highlight how Salesforce is helping customers to build a trusted data foundation and integrating AI into workflows - key ingredients for AI success.

The Future of AI: The Era of Innovation

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